Partner and PartnerPartner und Partner

Provides protection and regenerative energy


After combining two herds, the number of sheep on the farm has now doubled from 500 to 1,000. The herd that had been previously housed in the existing stable is moving into the new stable with the new herd. The existing stable is free for another use. For this change in use, various structural changes will be required up to the warehouse and machine shop.

The planned new stable is 35 m wide and 83 m long. After completion, it will be large enough to house 1,000 ewes. The farm will have positive effects on all levels:

Promotes sheep farming for landscape management
Creates building culture
Promotes biodiversity
Supports local forestry and crafts
Saves resources and exploits local potential
Stores CO2 in timber construction
Pollutant-free construction
Generates renewable energy
Building operates on self-sufficient energy

Project Details

Landratsamt Rottweil
Design, feasibility study
agricultural building
Sulz am Neckar
Gross floor area
2540m² + 85m² + 490m²
Service Phases
Partner und Partner Architekten
Klaus Günter, Jörg Finkbeiner, Jeroen Meissner, Quirin Dilling, Jonathan Schmidt
Structural engineering
merz kley and partner