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Good for the community and the environment


New construction of three 7-story passive houses in hybrid construction method

The cooperative project consists of three freestanding buildings with roof terraces that form a courtyard, which, together with the Spree riverbank and the public ground-floor zones, is developed into an attractive, public space. Above the public ground-floor zones with generous ceiling heights, the apartments begin, which were developed together with the residents according to the usual building group models. Semi-public community areas were established on the roofs of the buildings, which are connected by suspension bridges to create a cohesive, shared space.


The buildings are constructed using reinforced concrete and feature facades made of timber frame construction. The outermost insulation layer consists of wood fiber panels, serving as a base for plaster and enveloping the entire buildings. An elaborate energy concept has been developed for the three passive houses, utilizing geothermal energy in the pile foundations. This heating system is further supported by a wood pellet boiler and an ice storage heating system. To generate self-sufficient electricity, photovoltaic systems will be installed on the roofs of all three buildings.

Project Details

Spreefeld Wohn- und Baugenossenschaft
Berlin, Germany
Gross floor area
Carpaneto/Schöningh, FAT Köhl, BAR Architekten mit Partner und Partner Architekten
Klaus Günter, Jörg Finkbeiner, Ufuk Sagir, Ulrike Kube, Lennart Häger
Structural engineering
IFB Ingenieurbüro für Bauwesen
Ute Zscharnt, Michael Matuschka, Jörg Finkbeiner